Sunday, January 9, 2011


how come those don't rhyme?

anyway :)

we are still here after the Christmas season. actually, the Christmas season is still with us since the tree and decorations are still up.


i asked the KISA to take things down for me because, well, i really really dislike putting away Christmas ornaments. too depressing.

but i am finding that leaving them up until the 9th of january is just as depressing.

so, today.. they are coming down!!

i think.

it is my only day off in a long stretch, so it has to happen today or they will probably be there another week.

so what is the purpose of this post? surely not to whine about seasonal decorations.

nope. more like, to share some gifts!

when i count my gifts, i am reminded of the goodness of God. a reminder i need way more often in my crazy life.

* ducky tubs and splashing water

* the first "real" bath of the little moose

* grandpa, aka my dad

* playdoh and fighting playdoh monsters

* strange icicle formations and on the spot learning opportunities

* standing, letting go and falling... and

* seeing my Heavenly Father pick me up when i fall and cannot get up on my own

* wrapping paper mounds

* snow laden trees

* libraries within walking distance

* a husband that lets me sleep in on my first day of work

* whispers of a 5 year old at bedtime. "jo-jo, what was the best thing about your day?"

"you tucking me in."