i am horrible at writing thank you notes. i struggle with small talk. i am a full time wife, full time mommy and a full time ER nurse. i am homeschooling our children, but am guilty because i cannot give it my all. i panic if my husband is late getting home and start to imagine the worst. i fear losing one of my children in a crowd, and so i avoid going out. i love the way our trees look when they are frosted with an early morning snow. i love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. but you can't always tell that from the way i live. i am a work in progress.
aka, the husband, munchkin, dear, honey, hey you! we have been married for 11 years. we met while i was in the military and then i got out so they wouldn't send me to korea without him! love of my life. although i don't tell him nearly enough!! without him, i would be, well, alone and sad.
tic-tac is my oldest. an 8 year old little boy who has many talents but feels like things have to be perfect all the time. it is so hard to watch him struggle through failures. he loves to make symmetrical drawings and lego creations. he is fanatic about star wars...episode 6 is his favorite.
when did this little one become a young boy? he is now 6 and still as goofy as ever. he has a stubborn streak about 5 miles wide. but God is softening him. sometimes his heart leaks out as we watch him help his sister, or tickle his little brother. he would deny it faster than a monkey could peel a banana. because he wants to be the tough guy. the hero. he cries at sad endings, like Charlotte's Web and refuses to ever listen to them again. he brings me pictures of flowers when my voice seems to be at LOUD all day long and he know i am having a bad day. he hugs me fiercely if no one is around. and he sleeps with his Bible under his pillow... just in case he needs it.
no longer a baby, but still very much the princess, at years old she has as much energy as bonobo, but is way smarter than both boys put together. she will be able to calculate exactly how deep she can get into trouble before blaming it on her brothers! she has 1,001 looks already...most of them flirtatious! oh, she will contribute to my gray hairs. i wonder if i should take the cost of coloring my hair out of her allowance. when she is old enough for allowance, of course.
the moose is n.a.u.g.h.t.y very! and he giggles about it right after he looks at me to make sure i see what he is doing. he is into everything! including garbage and toilet bowls. he is also very quiet about getting into stuff, so i cannot turn my back on him for a second! everything is gated, locked or put out of reach. he still bubbles with laughter, unless he isn't getting what he wants. then he stands on one foot and stomps the other repeatedly while bugling at the top of his lungs. 7 teeth, table food and a love of breastmilk keep him going :) naps are secondary!